Monday, 3 March 2014

John Newling Tutorial - 13/02/14

-Make the drawings more speculative (size, like maps)

-Create sculptures from the plant drawings - use dried/pressed plants, find materials I'm comfortable with using, found materials, inexpensive

-Visit a Mushroom farm

-Grow plants in the studio/at home from seed

-Eva Hesse, organic material works

-Using simple materials to create forms to draw from

-Create an extremely large and detailed drawing over a period of time, work on it e.g. one hour a day, do other works alongside it

-Cut a small square of bark, draw large scale from it

-Bark as a 'skin', a structure to place it onto

-Push drawings to unfamiliar ground, beyond the white flat sheet of paper

-Drawings made to do something different - what could a drawing do?

-Consider the materiality of the drawings

-Create a system of how I hybridize the forms

(Showed John Newling works from last year (pallet pieces))

-Go back to this work, it is alive

-Get a pallet, get clay and work

-It will be different because of the work and research I've done this year

-Paper maché, consider how I could use other mateirals

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